We love hanging up bunting on birthdays and special occasions. It’s such a sweet and simple way to decorate a room! We’ve been collecting bunting since our first baby was born and now have a collection of favourite bunting that goes up on every birthday.
A couple of months ago, Quin started up a little business selling pillowcase sets, skirts and scrunchies. (So cute!) He has been saving the fabric remnants to make our own bunting, and yesterday we finally set out to make some. We had been throwing around different ideas for ways to make the bunting until we found this wonderful The Best Way to Make Bunting YouTube tutorial, and realised it could be made even more easily than we thought! This tutorial makes it really simple, with minimal sewing.
Here’s what you need to make the bunting:
- Fabric scraps (we used 8-inch square pieces)
- Bunting tape or cotton ‘heading tape‘ as it’s called here in Australia (we bought 25mm wide tape and cut it into 2 meter-long strips)
- Thread (we used white thread for the white and cream bunting tape, and navy thread for the navy bunting tape)
- Fabric scissors
- Pins
- Sewing machine
- Iron
We used 2 meter-long bunting tape and sewed 8 flags onto each, but you can definitely play around with the length of your bunting and the number of flags you would like. Hopefully the YouTube tutorial, along with these photos, is helpful in explaining how to make the bunting. It really was such a fun project with a really cute result!
For more crafts ideas please check out my eBook!