My siblings and I had scavenger hunts all the time when we were little. Whether we were at the beach or even in the field behind our house, we would create lists of things to find and then race to see who could find everything first.
I love this idea for younger kids of creating a scavenger hunt collection box out of an egg carton. All you need to do is to think of 12 things your children can find and write them down in the lid part of the carton — you could even get them to draw/write the items themselves, or if they are younger, you can do it for them.
Scavenger hunts are a great way to encourage your kids to connect with the outdoors, to learn their colours (i.e. ‘something green’), to learn their shapes (i.e. ‘something round’) and to encourage them to look more closely at the world around them. This egg carton collection box is a fun way to then display all the items that they’ve found and to talk about them after.
Here are some ideas for things to find in nature:
-something green
-a feather
-a stick that looks like a Y
-a man-made object
-something yellow
-a pretty rock
-something from a tree
-a flower
-something beautiful
-something round
-a leaf
-something alive
-something soft
-something prickly
-something dirty
-a pinecone
-a seed
For more educational activities and ideas, including homeschooling tips and resources, please check out my ‘At Home with Kids’ e-Book!