‘At Home with Kids’ eBook

Dozens of tips, ideas and resources for learning, crafts, play and other activities at home.

*This eBook has  just been updated with new content! 

‘At Home with
Kids’ eBook

Tips, ideas and resources for learning, crafts, play and other family activities at home.

Recently updated with new content! 

About the


Rainy day? Bored kids? Looking for inspiration and ideas to keep them entertained at home? This eBook offers a collection of tried and tested ideas and activities that have engaged and entertained our family over the years. From crafts and cooking, books and games, to home learning and other educational activities, I have bundled together all of my favourite ideas, tips, resources and inspiration. You’ll find dozens and dozens of activities, crafts, recipes and tips to leave you inspired and ready for the next time your kids say, ‘I’m bored!!’.

Here’s what you can expect:

The eBook is more than 100 pages long, divided up into 6 colour-coded chapters.

  • Helpful tips and ideas for homeschooling and distance learning.

  • Dozens of inspiring activities, including nature-based crafts & educational games.

  • Healthy lunch and snack ideas, including recipes.

  • Our favourite books, audio books, games, toys & craft supplies.

  • Contributions and tips from educational experts and experienced parents.

  • An extensive list of wonderful resources, including books, websites and inspiring Instagram feeds.

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